This postcard is from the June 2012 Helena series. If you've ever been to Helena, Montana, you may recognize the brick pattern! I love that part of town.
This postcard came back to us years ago, before we had a blog on which to keep track of our project. The finder wrote us a wonderful note with some great questions. I'm hopeful that we can get a message to her that will enable her to finally find this blog and get her questions answered! She wrote:
July 4 2012
Hi, I'm Keely and I'm from Helena, Montana. I found this lost post card at the Lewis and Clard library in a book called, Child of the Mountains. Even though I don't know who you are, and probably won't get the answers, I have a few questions for you. 1. How did you get it to Helena?
2. Did you put it in a library book? 3. Why did you do this? So those are my questions, even though I don't expect to get any answers. Sorry it took so long I kinda forgot about it, and is ther more than 1.
Keely M.
[street name]
Helena, Montana.
At the time we got your note, Keely, we had a contact in Helena, a schoolteacher, whom I hoped would be able to help us find you. But as you know, Helena's a big town, and she didn't know you. However, today I'm going to contact the Lewis and Clark Library. I'm hopeful that someone there will know who you are and be willing to tell you to come to this blog and get your questions answered. The answers are: We often visited Helena for a while because of our husband and Dad's work, so we put the postcard in a library book while we were there. We got used to calling the project "Lost Postcards" even though technically that's not correct; they're more like left-behind-on-purpose postcards. We do it because we like art, and postcards, and mail, and libraries, and people. There's more information about that in our first blog post and our blog description. And yes, there were more than one--in fact, we placed 10-20 postcards at a time in the library there several times over a couple of years!
Thanks for the wonderful questions and note!